Full Moon in Capricorn June 2024: What Have You Built That Sustains You?

I write this as sunlight from the longest day of the year is at its fullest. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the Summer Solstice, as well as the first day of Cancer season. Then, tomorrow, at 6:07pm Pacific Time, we’ll have the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn.

There’s no better time to reexamine and realign. To take stock in what’s happened since 2024 started.

What have you started? More importantly, have those efforts paid off?

If you’ve been building towards something, what progress have you seen? What lessons have you learned?

I realize these questions run the risk of being conceived as very transactional; as if it’s a one-to-one exchange. And honestly? For some, that may be the case. That really may be the best way to determine whether the effort spent was worth the direct results. However, I’m not gonna say one way or the other whether that’s the “best” method (that’s going to differ from person to person), but I do want to bring attention to the possibility of looking at progress from the lens of choice.

Some of you may have noticed that I didn’t make a “card of the week” this time. Part of the reason was that this was going to be a mega post with the Solstice and the Full Moon. The other was because I was discouraged and felt like I was just writing those words to the wind.

But I still pulled the card. And for this week, it was “Pathways” (and again, another pull from the Arcanum Vitae deck). As you can see, it’s a maze (and tbh, I don’t know if the path to the center is unobstructed. I tried following it through but the reflectivity of the rainbow foil makes it difficult for me to keep my eyes on it. Anyway, I digress…) and I can’t think of a better metaphor for progress being non-linear than this.

“VI. Pathways” from the “Arcanum Vitae” Oracle Deck

Because sometimes, you have to turn around and reorient before you can move forward. And you may not really know what lies in the middle of the labyrinth.

But did you want to take the risk anyway? And did you at least enjoy something about the journey? Because there is an array of stars and other brilliant lights that surround this maze.

So, maybe it’s not so bad getting lost in all of that, ya know? Because even though you may not be closer to what you sought, what did you learn along the way?

And… what new pathways did you discover? Because this specific card speaks of more than one. And maybe you realized you started along the “wrong” path… one that you only discovered from the roads you were on.

Personally, I’ve been wallowing a little lately about all the lives I was too scared to lead. All the chances I didn’t take.

But that feeling of regret is useful. And regret is to be expected with this full moon. All full moon lend themselves to reflectivity (she shines bright enough for us to make those dark spots visible, after all).

However, regret isn’t the only feeling. Mars in Taurus is at a close, supportive sextile with both Mercury in Cancer (along with Venus and the Sun too, by sign). We see action and communication working hand in hand. This weekend, it should be a little easier to feel the motivation to move forward towards something.

First (!) Full Moon in Capricorn, June 21, 2024. 6:07pm Pacific

Keep your eyes out for paths that lead to something more nourishing.

Allow yourself to see future possibilities. Feel into them in ways you hadn’t before. Seek out a structure that stands amongst your wildest dreams.

Cancer is the sign of nurturance. It craves support and to be supportive. So let that Martian sense of direction give you a little boost into where to start stabilizing. What needs more sustenance? What needs to be retooled?

Where in your chart does Cancer sit? That’ll give you an idea of where that sustenance is best applied, but even if you don’t know that, the theme is still important and relevant to all parts of your life.

And opposite Cancer is Capricorn (as is always the case with full moons! The Sun and Moon will always stand in opposition during these lunations). As a cardinal sign, Capricorn wants to start things up, but it also seeks an efficient and purposeful course. It never wants to dilly-dally. It doesn’t want to plod along for the sake of just doing whatever. So be intentional about this process of realignment. You don’t have to be strict about it, but you do have to be clear about what’s really in your heart. All those planets in Cancer beg for sincerity. If you lie to yourself about what it is that would make you feel more supported, it’s akin to distraction and busy work.

With half the year over, we have no time to waste on things that we don’t really care about, ya know?

If you need some guidance on what to do at this mid-year point, I have a few reading options:

Summer Release Refresh Revive Rendezvous ($33 USD)

A quick four card spread to help you make the most of the summer and help you redirect for the rest of 2024 if necessary.

Book a “Summer Release Refresh Revive Rendezvous” reading here.

Sip & Simmer: A Reading to Combat Overwhelm ($22 USD)

A clarifying pep talk and advice for steady development. It will remind you how you can pump the brakes and give yourself a little bit more grace at the moment.

Book a “Sip & Simmer” reading here.

May the solstice and full moon grant you lots of inspiration and support!




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