Today’s New Moon in Cancer is a time to explore what “support” and “nurturance” meant to you. In the Knave Arcade discord server (which you can join if you donate to my Ko-Fi or become a monthly member 🤓), I talked about how it’s good to look at any “mother wounds” you may have that need some healing. Personally, I’m working on how to better parent myself through disappointment, loneliness, and self-isolation. For me, these are all inextricably tied to pride and productivity. A lot of shame pops up when I feel like I don’t have much to be proud of and it makes me wanna hide. Relatedly, it feels incredibly embarrassing if I’m proud of something and get crickets in return.
So I’m here to work on that. I’m here to work on “mothering” myself so that I know my sense of self and self-worth isn’t dependent on that explicit kind of approval. But it’s difficult and it’s a process and progress isn’t linear, right? Healing ebbs and flows, just like the tides…. which get pulled by the moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer.
This new moon is a very watery one. With Neptune and Saturn both retrograding, there is a pull to the past. Mars in Taurus also lends itself to a slow burn, and although Jupiter and Mercury are blitzing around Gemini and Leo (respectively), that combination can feel overwhelming and heavy depending on what you have going on.
But that noise and weightiness don’t have to be a bad thing. The water signs are known for their intuition and that’s what you can, and should, use to navigate your desires and goals.
This new moon also serves as a good check-in to what’s happening with the Lunar Nodes. Around last year’s new moon in Cancer, the nodes went into Aries and Libra. They’ll stay there until the next of January 2025 and these were the questions I posed then, which will continue to be relevant through the rest of the year:
- Are your needs being met?
- Where are you feeling support and connection?
- What do you want to forge ahead with and who can you trust to be in your corner when you do?
For more guidance on this specific point in time, I’ve pulled cards for every sign.
Please read for your rising sign (if you know it), but you’ll glean a lot of information from your sun and moon too. If you have another strong placement, feel free to read for that as well.
Tarotscopes for the New Moon In Cancer 2024
Aries. Eight of Ink.
You’re redefining what it means to have a place [and people] you call “home.” Lots of things may be in motion right now and it can feel like a whirlwind, but remember where you were this time last year. Or even at the beginning of 2024. Take a breath and reorient where you are and where you want to go.
Taurus. Judgement.
Look beyond the surface, look ahead to the future. Think about who you want to be in that timeline and embody them, especially in the way you communicate. Do you have any regrets about what you said or chose recently? Can you see where you may be repeating any hesitancy or mild-manner qualities? Choose what your future self, in the best timeline, would want for you.
Gemini. Knight of Light.
It’s time to romanticize your life again. Let yourself be the main character of your story, not in a rude or obnoxious way, but in the sense that you see yourself as bright and alluring as you can be. The last solar season was all about rediscovering your sense of self and how that was defined but now I ask that you really believe in it and feel it in your heart and live it in your body.
Cancer. Five of Parchment.
Don’t let your past dictate everything in your present. Honor your pain and acknowledge that you need some healing. Failing to admit that you’re hurt (especially to yourself) can get in the way of getting the help you need. Your situation right now may feel a little untenable but you’re not alone. Focus first on what’s in your power and what you can change for yourself and then you can build on that. Work on things one by one, don’t try to overhaul your whole life all at once.
Leo. Three of Quills.
Wishing away the hurt, disappointment, and betrayal doesn’t change what happened. If you feel like you’re being blocked in your progress, there’s a pain point you have yet to acknowledge. So acknowledge your heartbreak. Sit with it (with a trusted one, your therapist, and/or in nature) for a bit. Remember what I said about this New Moon in Cancer being about healing a mother wound: comfort yourself in ways and with words you wish you were given but weren’t at the time. Be gentle with yourself.
Virgo. Two of Light.
Follow the lights that make you feel fluttery. Follow that feeling of being charmed. Be among people who inspire feelings of fun and splendor and excitement and desire. Summertime is great for new social gatherings. Even going to a local park could change your life. Engage with a community that not only shares your interests and values but also makes you just feel good.
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Libra. Page of Parchment.
Declare your love for your vocation and your values. What do you want to be known for? What do you want your legacy to look like years down the road? Now, while I say “declare,” it’s best to do this with people whom you trust. If you’re spilling your heart out to people who you know don’t share your values, you can expect heartbreak. Also, speaking the words isn’t enough, you still have to show up, of course. But if you can speak aloud what it is you want, the right people might hear it, and a lot can happen.
Scorpio. The Hermit.
There’s something shiny down the path, but you’re the only one who’s meant to find it. If you’re feeling called towards taking any sort of journey, both figuratively and literally, don’t wait for others to join you. Don’t rely on others to join you. Whether it’s learning a language, picking up a book on mycology, enrolling in a program at your local community college, or taking a literal trip to a new locale, you’ll thrive. It just might be a little lonely at first.
Sagittarius. Two of Quills.
If you wait too long, inaction can become an action. A lack of choice becomes your choice. There are a lot of changes happening around you, to you, and for you right now… there is pressure to take a direction. You can’t stay exactly where you’ve been for too long. If you don’t want other people to influence you, stand firm in what you want. And remember, even though you make a choice now, that doesn’t mean you’re beholden to it forever. Ask yourself if your options are mutually exclusive; in a lot of cases, you may be able to “go back” to another one in the future.
Capricorn. The Lovers.
Do you feel seen and appreciated in your close relationships? I don’t mean specifically romantic relationships either. Anything that resembles a partnership qualifies. You should always feel like you’re an active participant in what’s going on. You should feel chosen AND that you’re choosing them too. If you’re feeling bored or just going through the motions, it’s time to step into it again and communicate your needs and concerns.
Aquarius. King of Quills.
Be definitive in what you’re doing daily. A Cancer New Moon is a time when “care” is a priority, and for many of us, that depends on our daily habits and routines. What does your work-life balance look like? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating well? How are you structuring your day? For now, I invite you to look at your daily work with a critical eye and restructure it as necessary.
Pisces. Queen of Parchment.
Don’t apologize for your taste. During this new moon in Cancer, embrace your aesthetic preferences and explore them with care. Try a new hobby, buy some artwork for your home, or peruse the library and read something just for pleasure (i.e. not because it would be “useful” or someone else is telling you to do so). On the topic of pleasure, don’t be shy and consider exploring yourself, and what you like, as well.
This new moon’s featured deck is The Literary Tarot. If these cards pique your interest, I currently have a fun little partnership with my dear friend DebbieDoesBooks. If you donate to her Ko-Fi and help her reach her Imaginarium 2025 fundraising goal, you can get a reading from me!
Donations as low as $3 USD will get you a random card pull from this specific deck. We’re running this until she reaches her goal! For more information, please check out this video.
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