Month: July 2024
Readers for Readers: A Fundraising Collaboration with DebbieDoesBooks
Support can manifest in a multitude of ways. The most obvious is often financial but sometimes, it’s vocal engagement and interaction. Sometimes, in the case of my friendship with DebbieDoesBooks, it’s both. As I’m sure you’ve gleaned from her name, Debbie is a book-lover and often expresses that love via vlogging. A self-described “multi genre…
July 2024 Oracle Pulls for Human Design Energy Types
Somehow, the first week of July is already in the books, but there’s still a lot of the month left to work with! If the last New Moon Tarotscopes gave you too much to chew on for the moment, I pulled some cards for each Human Design energy type from the Animal Power [Oracle] Deck…
New Moon in Cancer 2024 // Heal & Be Held
Today’s New Moon in Cancer is a time to explore what “support” and “nurturance” meant to you. In the Knave Arcade discord server (which you can join if you donate to my Ko-Fi or become a monthly member 🤓), I talked about how it’s good to look at any “mother wounds” you may have that…