This morning, I pulled a card for myself, for the month of May, and this little guy flew out after a bit of shuffling. A welcomed card in most cases, The Fool is the beginning of the tarot’s major arcana. As an energy, it’s so primordial, it doesn’t even get a number. It’s the start of everything, a new journey, a new chapter…
And I think for most of us, we need that. Last month was a doozy.
For those of you who’ve stuck by me during that time, thank you. I’ll talk more on this but the TLDR; I took on a wonderful, albeit temporary (i.e. it’s over now lol), production assistant position with a local apothecary making flower essences (more on that in the near future!) and it was much needed. Yes, because of finances, but also getting to use my hands to craft one of my favorite kinds of products was something a good reminder for the kind of work I want to put out on the world.
April encompassed Aries season and for me, personally, that coincides with the 11th house of community and networks. With friendships. It’s a little ironic that I withdrew (and now I’m in a full 12th house season wherein isolation is the main theme) but if I’m being honest, it was a natural consequence. I’ve been feeling adrift for a while and unsure where I stand with people/who has my back, and suffice it to say, I’m really touched by those who have made an effort to check in (and I hope you know who you are, because you’re wonderful). The past year has been really difficult and trusting myself has always been a challenge so having somewhere to land (aka here) has been a balm.
So again, thank you for sticking by while I faltered but in the quiet of the past few weeks I’ve been figuring out how to make this space something better. Moving forward, I want to share more of the learning process. Because I’m still learning too. Yes, I have a decade of pulling cards (and even longer with astrology) and have taken countless classes with various teachers, but there’s such a wealth of knowledge out there; it never ends. And I know there are those here who want to pick some things up too.
Of course, I’m still going to weave in some practicality with it, because we all exist on the planet with one another and need to make physical, tangible changes too. As the saying goes, “as above, so below.” We all have bills to pay!
With that in mind, the Fool feels like a welcomed sign. This is a time we embark on something we’ve never done before. Or perhaps it’s time we see the world with a new lens.
And look at this particular fool. A wizened old man with not a care in the world.
He seems free. He seems hopeful.
That’s what I want for us moving forward. To get away from whatever drudgery and limiting narrative we’ve been holding onto… because it’s been holding us back.
Let this month show you a new story.
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