New Moon in Pisces 2024. Dream Big & Act.

There is a New Moon in Pisces this Sunday, March 10th at 1:00am PST. If the past few new moons have felt sluggish, this one may give you the jump start you needed. It’s never too late to get on those New Year’s Resolutions and goals. With Mercury in Aries, you’re more likely to not only see the next steps and direction to take, but also feel the energy to follow through with them. And of course, we still have Mars and Venus in Aquarius, looking ahead and thinking outside the box. Then, there’s also Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion, in Taurus forming a sextile of support to the Sun, Moon, and Saturn in Pisces too.

Even in the darkness of a new moon, it’s still possible for you to find the through-line between your dreams and the strategies you need to achieve them. But it still requires you to sit down and really dedicate the time and energy into uncovering them.

This will look different for all of us, of course. To figure out what that may be for you, read below and consider blending your March Human Design reading in too!

🌚 As always, read for your rising sign, sun, moon, and any other special placement that seems particularly loud right now. 🎏

(Deck featured this month is the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot published by Insight Editions.)

Aries. Ace of Scythes (rx).


A little hermit-ing can always help. It’s almost your season to shine but before then, it’s time to look at everything you’ve learned since the last time the moon was in Aries. Both the last full moon six months ago and the last new moon. Now is a time where being a little more reclusive can give you the space you need to synthesize all those lessons. Don’t be afraid of solitude. There are so many revelations that come through when they’re not competing with the noise of the world.

And remember, solitude happens in tiny moments too. Getting lost in a book. Taking a long bath. Going out to run errands. Tidying up the house. Sneak in a bit of quiet wherever you can.

Taurus. 3 of Scythes (rx).


No matter how skilled, kind, or personable you are… not everyone will be on your team. They may not take your side or even see things from your perspective. It could be that you don’t share similar values and/or you have different end goals. Whatever the case, steel yourself for a possible heartbreak, but remember that it’s a hurt that will eventually pass. Know what it means to self-soothe; what works for you? Explore new methods. Spend this new moon with the people who you know do care about you and share your overall values. Make more plans with them.

Gemini. 6 of Pentacles.


You do not have time or money or energy for everything you want to do, so it’s important to ration that out. Prioritize your goals and be discerning about your skills and your resources. This new moon shifts the current focus of your life to your legacy. It’s about how people see you. It’s about what you are and will be known for weeks, months, and years from now.

But Rome wasn’t built in a day and it certainly wasn’t done by one person. Remember what you want to create in your lifetime and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Alternatively, you may be in a position to aid someone without any promise of immediate repayment. In this situation, you’ll need to figure out how else you can benefit from it if there’s no obvious reciprocity. Sometimes you’ll need to do things for other people because it means you’ll learn something about yourself and your skill-set. But be mindful if you’re doing all of that as a means to people-please.

Cancer. Page of Pentacles (rx).


Sometimes, a less conventional method will be what helps the lesson stick. If you want to learn something new, consider multiple methodologies. Be willing to learn something entirely new even if it doesn’t directly link to that specific skill or goal. For example, even if you’re trying to learn how to be a better painter, listen to new music genres. Or, if you want to grow your writing skills, pore through a cookbook and bake something. Watch a documentary on something you’re only vaguely interested in. Travel to a new place, even if it’s just a neighborhood park in a different part of town. Your synapses always benefit from new connections.

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Leo. Judgment (rx).


Are you living your life’s purpose? Are you heeding the call that’s been sounded? Every now and then, life has a way of leading us in the direction of what we’re meant to be doing in this lifetime. Sometimes it’s subtle hints, like a hobby that keeps popping up among your friend group. Sometimes it’s much louder and there’s an opportunity that falls into your lap. Sometimes, it’s also the energetic opposite that’s meant to remind you that you hate doing those kinds of things or living that kind of way. Sometimes, it’s all of the above and it truly cannot be ignored.

Even if you don’t believe in those kinds of synchronicities, ask yourself: what do you want to remember and be remembered for when it’s the end of days? What do you want to leave behind as your legacy? What do you want to be proud of when you’re on your deathbed?

This new moon is a great opportunity for you to radically transform your life as you know it. And it starts by honoring your personal truths.

Virgo. Queen of Scythes (swords).


Research, research, research. Look into the contracts that you’ve gotten yourself into. Look into the dynamics that mark your closest relationships. What needs overhauling? What needs redefining? Where do you need to draw better boundaries? Are you getting the respect you deserve? Are you giving that other party what they deserve? Do things feel as equitable as they could be? You may need some steely resolve to delineate those lines, but this new moon will give you that edge.

And for some of you, part of these explorations may reveal that you haven’t stepped up in ways you’ve needed to. That’s okay. We’re all human. But you have to be accountable and take responsibility for your hand in things. If you want things to be better, you have to play your role too. The Queen of Swords is fair, she understands justice. She understands karma. Don’t try to twist things and turn self-accountability into self-flagellation.

Libra. Knight of Pentacles.


Keep on keeping on. But make it worthwhile. If you’re going through the motions and you’ve forgotten why, reevaluate. If you realize you’re going through the motions and don’t see the progress you’re looking for, remember why you started. Why did you start on this path? What’s your motivation or end goal? What’s making you want to stray from that path now? Don’t give up because you’re not where you thought you’d be by now. Only shift gears if you’re realizing that you’re headed in the wrong direction.

Give yourself credit where it’s due too. Remember how far you’ve come in this journey. If you don’t feel like you’re where you want to be… are you still where you started? I doubt it. You’ve made leaps. Congratulate yourself on that.

Scorpio. Ace of Stakes (rx).


When was the last time you honored your creativity? When was the last time you really believed in your art? This new moon is a great time to reaffirm your relationship to who you are as an “artist,” even if you don’t identify as one. Honestly, especially if you don’t identify as one. We all have a desire to create, and sometimes that means painting on canvas, but sometimes it means crafting a new character in an RPG. Pick up an old project that makes your heart sing, or start something entirely new. The only catch is that you can’t dwell too much on the outcome. Create for the sake of creation. Create for the sake of enjoyment. Create for the sake of learning.

If you’re still lacking the energy to make something, compile a list of all the things that you love, all the things that inspire you, all the things that you want to create in the future. Be as detailed or as simple as you have the energy for. Write it down on a post-it or collect the images in a photo album in your phone. Allow yourself to be inspired and just start somewhere.

These tarotscopes were made possible thanks to the patronage of my monthly Ko-Fi supporters! Thank you, lovely people!

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Sagittarius. 8 of Chalices (rx).


What are you holding onto? Where are you simply running away from your problems rather than tackling them head-on? This new moon is happening in your house of home life and foundations, so some ancestral work may need to be on the list. Ask yourself, are those things more of an anchor or a tether? And are you the one dragging them along because it’s all you know how to do? Generational traumas are hard to break on your own, so if you have the means, talk to a professional who has training in that. 

Also, is there anything from your childhood that’s creeping up on you right now? Maybe it’s not “creeping” up, but more like… popping up? What keeps chasing you and reminding you of the past? What is the lesson there? What value can you glean from it? And remember… cord-cutting rituals aren’t just for the big, dangerous energies. They can also be used on the more subtle poisons in our lives. They can be used on the things we do to ourselves.

Capricorn. Strength (rx).


You don’t have to do everything alone. It’s okay to ask for help or at least even admit to yourself that you’re still in the process of learning. A beginner’s mind is a lovely thing; no bad habits to undo on top of tackling new skills. If you’re still in the process of growing, give yourself some grace. Let yourself stumble and pick up a few scratches. Build up those calluses. But most importantly, don’t be afraid to talk it out with people whom you trust will hold space for you. As a Capricorn, you’re probably more inclined to do things on your own, but do you really want to trudge through every task alone? And if you still do, it can still behoove you to reach out anyway; those people may have a new resource unbeknownst to you that’ll help you along this journey.

Aquarius. Queen of Chalices.


Don’t give more than you have in you. It’s more nuanced than that of course, but basically, pay attention to the people who honor your time and energy… and to the people who seem to keep taking and taking and taking. Time is a resource, it’s not infinite. As for energy, you know you can’t pour from an empty cup. Beware of burnout. If you’re someone who struggles asking for help, think about yourself as you would your very best friend. Would you want them to struggle on their own?

On the other hand, you may also be called on to support someone else during this time and if that’s the case, tapping into the detached Aquarian energy will be necessary. Who are they to you and what’s been the history of your dynamic? Can you assist them without doing everything for them?

Pisces. The Devil (rx).


New season, new you. If you’ve been stifled or obsessed with the “wrong things” (aka, what’s no longer serving you), this new moon will give you the will to break those chains. Just make sure you have a plan for following through that will stick. If it’s a person or group of people that have been making you stray from the path you want to be on, look for new activities that don’t involve them. If it’s a bad habit you’ve been trying to kick, change your routine and environment to knock it off its course. But also… be honest about why it’s easy to indulge in those ways. Is it comfort? Is it a sense of belonging (even if you know it doesn’t quite align for you)? Is it because you’re not quite sure why you want to change? If these questions feel uncomfortable, especially because of past trauma, work with a therapist to guide you through it.

Despite this being a new moon in a water sign, we, as a collective, mostly seem to be dealing with things from a more heady perspective. Lots to think about. However, it would be remiss of me not to mention the significance of emotions, especially during Pisces season. Emotions are data too and if you’re looking for more intel on how to move on or move forward, pay attention to how your heart and body feel. Emotions and bodily responses are valid sources of information that can help you form a decision. They are not the only things you should pay attention to, of course, but it’s an important place to start.

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