Clicking on every image will bring up a larger version of the file! This was originally posted to Tiktok, but I’ve since added a transcript below the slides for easier reading.
Queen of Cups. 9 of Cups.
Time to tackle what it means to be supported. Who understands your dreams? Who’s been around to help you with your goals? If you haven’t already, consider getting into the habit of making daily gratitude lists.
Manifesting Generators
7 of Cups. 6 of Swords.
Don’t fall for the pretty veneer. You’re overdue for a new perspective. And you’re not gonna find it looking in the same places you tend to lurk. Don’t be afraid to trek a little further than before.
2 of Cups. Queen of Pentacles.
There is a connection between love and money that hinges on your concept of self-worth. Protect your boundaries. Don’t spend so much time with the people and places that can’t see what you have to give. You deserve to feel wanted.
9 of Swords. 5 of Cups.
What’s causing you grief and anguish will soon come to an end… But it may still feel bittersweet leaving all that behind. Remember what you’ve learned and earned. Remember what you’re moving towards.
The Star. 2 of Pentacles.
You can achieve everything you want… Just not at the same time. Are you juggling projects, obligations, and hobbies that don’t serve your highest good? Where can you streamline the process? How can you maximize your time and energy?
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