New Moon in Aquarius 2024 Tarotscopes. Choose Your Future.

A new moon in Aquarius is happening tomorrow, February 9th at 2:59pm PT. It’s the sign of innovation and not just for the sake of innovation, but for the betterment of the collective. Aquarius. Ruled by air, it’s intellectual and always has its eyes to the future. 

When talking about the stereotypical Aquarius, they often get flack for supposedly being “emotionless” and “aloof” but it’s not that they don’t feel anything… it’s that they are trying to be objective. And yes, that can look and feel like being cold to the other party who may be directly involved, but you have to remember that the Aquarius person is removing themselves from the equation too. Their objectivity can hinder themselves as well. So it’s important to bring them back in, and remind them that how they feel in their emotions and in their body does matter.

Which is something that’s relevant for all of us, especially when we’re planning for the future and working towards it. Because we can get caught up in the goal and what the goal is meant to fulfill, that we forget ourselves and our very real, very human feelings about where we might be in the journey. In today’s overly-capitalistic, Western societies, we glamorize the idea of pushing through any pain. “No pain, no gain.” And so,  we punish ourselves when we slip and “fail” to meet the expectations that we, ourselves, and others place on us.

If I’m being honest, for many of us, yes, that method does work, but that’s not a universal truism. It doesn’t work for everyone. And yes, you can be objective about the progress you want to make and be disappointed if you fail to meet your expectations. But at some point, you have to be honest about whether you’re letting your self-punishment be the end of it. Have you ever done this: you set a goal for yourself, and if you fail to meet it, you end up berating yourself and calling it quits? That is not a unique experience. You are not alone in that. But… this seemingly overly objective perspective about progress, success, and failure is actually just being emotionally masochistic.

You have to have empathy and compassion for yourself, especially when working towards something that’s challenging and new.

Remember, Aquarius is forward-thinking because it wants more for the collective. Any aloofness is for their own boundaries. Despite what the memes say, they actually do care, but they also know if they get too swept up in how everyone else is feeling (and how they’re perceiving their own efficacy), they will lose the plot.

But that’s a spectrum, right? Focusing too much on the plot, loses the people. If you focus too much on where you think you’re supposed to be, you lose your sense of self.

What does this have to do with this Aquarius New Moon? Well, this new moon is the second of the year, and it’s around this time where people start to fall off the goals or resolutions they set. (I know I have). And for some of us, that means we have a better idea of what’s worth continuing with or nurturing. But I think for a lot of people, when we see “failure” it’s so disheartening to the point that it gives us a reason to give up. And don’t get me wrong, the current state of world and local affairs is incredibly disappointing and discouraging. But that doesn’t mean what we want is impossible. It just requires a lot of work and a lot of compassion (for yourself and others).

If you’ve been discouraged about where you thought you’d be by now (whether that’s simply at this point in the year or in your life), remember: New Moons are great for sowing new seeds. Just because your last attempt didn’t go as planned or make any progress at all doesn’t mean you should quit. This Aquarius New Moon has Mars and Venus still in the previous sign of Capricorn, so while it can’t immediately connect that sense of diligence with its future-forward outlook, that’s kind of a good thing. Along with Jupiter in Taurus, this is an opportunity to anchor back into where you are at the present moment. It’s an invitation to meet yourself where you’re at and establish something that you can ground back into. 

This is a chance to keep your head up, eyes bright, and feet walking steadily forward.

It is the Lunar New Year after all.

And the cards reflect a sense of a spark reignited. If you felt like the past month or so has been a slow slog out of 2023, you’ll likely feel more reinvigorated once this new moon hits. There are a lot of wands showing up here. Lots of fire energy. And with Aquarius being an air sign, it’ll fan the flames you’ve got going. 

Just make sure you don’t burn out, okay?

🌚 As always, please read for your rising sign, sun, moon, and any other loud placement (such as Venus or Mars). 🌟

Aries. The Star.


When you’re by yourself, outside of the noise of others… what is it that you really want? This new moon, remember **your** greatest hopes and dreams. Have any of them been influenced by the expectations and fears of others? What’s at the core of them? Simplify what you’ve been trying to do so you don’t try to take on too much. Make time to be around those whose goals and values align with your own.

Taurus. Judgment.


When all is said and done, what is it that you want to be remembered for? What will be your story? And will you be proud of it… of yourself? This is not to say that what you do now, or for this new moon, is what you’ll be stuck with forever, but it’s a chance for you to course-correct if need be. It’s a chance to reroute your path. What keeps calling you? What have your regrets been thus far?

Gemini. Page of Wands.


Go forth and seek newness. New stories. New experiences. New skills. Do all of this without the spectre of “usefulness” looming over you. When was the last time you learned something new for the sake of learning something new? Listen to your body when it magnetizes to something. You don’t have to make strategic choices all the time.

Cancer. Queen of Wands.


What were the experiences significantly changed you? What precipitated the change? Who was there? Who were you before then? Generally, I see court cards as an overall energy that’s coming through; sometimes that’s from outside force, but sometimes that something that you have to channel yourself. The Queen of Wands is something who can illuminate the path and help you find your way through the dark. This new moon can be reveal a lot about your past, your family, your ancestors, your trajectory, etc. You can do so much with this knowledge if you choose to look at it directly.

Seeking some more encouragement or sweetness at the moment?

You can book a “Little Love Note” with me until February 16th!

Leo. Two of Pentacles.


If you’re juggling a lot, you need to make sure those things are worth your time and energy. You also need to make sure you’re actually enjoying part of the process. If you can’t find flow in what you’re doing these days, put something down and take it off your plate. And if there are tasks or projects that require working with another (especially one on one), be mindful of the energy exchange. It doesn’t have to be 50/50 if that’s not what the situation calls for, but if you’re doing more than your fair share, be prepared to have a talk with that other person.

Virgo. Eight of Pentacles.


Whatever goals you set at the new year, return to them, and make time for them, especially the ones that require daily, or at least routine, work. (And spoiler alert: most goals progress best with consistent habits). Goals and projects that pertain to your health and fitness will benefit the most from this energy too. So if you’ve been meaning to learn a new dish every week, achieve the splits, or reach a new PR for your deadlifts, plan for it.

Libra. The Hierophant.


Seek out what you don’t know from new sources. Ideally, it should be something that speaks to your desires. You could also learn more about your actual desires and kinks. Or it could be [SFW] hobbies. Whatever the case, don’t just dabble. Take things on earnestly with dedication. This could be via mentor or a program. It could also be you simply exploring things on your own and furiously reading books and watching videos.

Scorpio. Ace of Wands.


Start something that lights you up. Bring warmth to your life and your home in ways that it have been lacking in the recent past. Heat and warmth can be different things and you may want only one. Some of you may want both. And what I mean by that is that “heat” is often excitement. Exhilaration. In comparison, warmth can be comfort. Security. These descriptors can also be literal: create an altar space with candles and incense. Also consider: ancestor work. And by “ancestor,” they don’t have to be blood-related.

For extra insight, incorporate this month’s readings for your Human Design type!

Sagittarius. The World.


Butterfly effect. Everything is linked in one way or another. Don’t discount your impact– in both the negative and the positive directions. You have to trust that work you do makes a difference. If you’ve been feeling out of place lately, know that that cycle is ending soon; there are people who can and will respect, appreciate, love, and support you. But you have to be willing to keep an eye out for them. You have to remember that they just might not be where you’ve been before. Spend some time in new places.

Capricorn. Strength.


There are still a few major planets in your sign and last month may have ignited a lot of new ideas for you- which is great! Unless it became overwhelming and you lost momentum. If you’re finding it difficult to persevere through it, remember you don’t have to do it alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to listen to your heart either, especially for the things that don’t quite make sense but feel right; when it sings to you, let the song play out. Strength is the card of the year and the lessons you’re learning now can help you navigate the rest of 2024.

Aquarius. King of Wands.


It’s your season to shine and this requires having a handle on what’s really in your domain. Whatever projects or goals you have, first get clear on why they actually matter to you. Then, take a good look at who stands in your corner. Who understands your visions and dreams for your work and your future? Hint: these are people who challenge you and collaborate with you. A “yes-man” will ultimately hinder you.

Pisces. Queen of Cups.


When was the last time you slept really well on a consistent basis? This new moon, fix your sleep schedule. No really. (And write down your dreams!) Tend to your body and your emotions and your support system. Nurture the people and the activities that actually give back to you. The next season will be yours but until then, don’t be shy to just rest and recharge. That way, you’ll be able to make the most of whatever comes up.

If you’re curious about the deck I’ve chosen for this new moon, it’s the “Stars of Umber” tarot by F. F. Songana. It was a kickstarter project that I immediately backed because of its diversity and 1970s sci-fi cover vibes. I also used it when sharing the February cards for the different Human Design types; those pulls had more selections from the minor arcana, which makes sense given that it’s only a monthly look ahead.




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