New Moon in Capricorn 2024 Tarotscopes / How to Nurture Your Goals

Happy New Year! I hope everyone’s had a good holiday and NYE! Or, if you’re like me and it started on a rough note, you’ve managed to smooth things out. And if you feel like you haven’t been able to gain footing on any New Year’s goals or resolutions you may have, don’t worry; that’s why we have this new moon in Capricorn happening on January 11th at 3:57am PST.

Capricorn is a sign that not only understands but values the long haul. Ruled by Saturn, it aims for longevity completed in efficiency. It is not afraid of hard work and knows that accomplishing anything depends on consistently showing up. This mentality is necessary for us to achieve what we want this year (and all the time). To honor that, I’ve chosen the “Dirt Gems” oracle deck by Chelsea Granger and Anne Louise Burdett.

Plants require consistent attention and care, but some are more finicky than others. How we tend to one will be different than another. And, of course, the benefits we get from one will be different than what we get from another.

And this is true of our personal goals, right? Depending on what those goals are and the circumstances with which we’re working, the plan of action and type of care will change.

So, what do you need to do? How will you adapt?

๐ŸŒš As always, please read for your rising sign, sun, moon, and any other relevant placement (such as Venus or Mars).ย ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ

๐Ÿœ‚ Aries. Elecampane.

Take a breath. 

Have you been feeling stifled, especially regarding the work you do or among your peers? Something is making it difficult for you to breathe and move around easily, and that needs to be tackled. Don’t be afraid to really breathe out the old; to really sigh it all out. Get it all out on paper or talk about ut with your trusted circle and your therapist. But once you vent it all out, let it dissipate in the ether.

Create space between yourself and that issue. Elecampane helps us in matters of the lungs, so whatever that stifling issue has been, allow this plant ally to do its magick. Something has been a blockage for you, making it difficult for you to breathe in something newer, more refreshing. It’s getting in the way of you finding something more restorative. So, the next time you exhale and let it loose, loosen the connection. It may also be worth trying a yoga class with a focus on pranayama or something that’s strictly surrounding breathwork.

๐Ÿœƒ Taurus. Strawflower.

Shine bright. 

When was the last time you allowed yourself to be seen? When was the last time you were able to take pride in the work you accomplished? Remember what you’ve done to get yourself this far- the constellation of strange events and happenstances that led you to this moment. Can you see the beauty in the resilience you’ve displayed up until now?

Strawflower is an herb known for its ability to maintain the color of its blooms no matter how much time has passed. It’s also used in many beauty products to keep the skin looking youthful and supple. Where can you apply this sense of vibrancy and rejuvenation? What makes you feel young again? If there’s something you’ve been itching to learn about, be that curious kid again and follow through with the exploration.

๐Ÿœ Gemini. Chickweed.

Stop giving yourself and your energy to those who don’t give anything in return. 

What situations feel like they’re constantly taking and taking and taking? Who is constantly taking from you? Or rather, who are you constantly giving to at your own detriment? Because sometimes, those supposed “energy vampires” don’t actually seek you out, and you’re the one giving them more than they deserve. So, be mindful of your own choices. Are you stacking the scales hoping it’ll pay off in the end? Has it started to? We all have our own limitations, but you need to be realistic about yours.

Instead, seek out ways and situations that leave you with a sense of equilibrium. Of balance. Of fairness. And that will look different for everyone, but my wish for you for this new moon (and for the new year) is to work on what gives back to you.

๐Ÿœ„ Cancer. Kelp.

Dive in.

What are your deepest connections? Who feels like home? What is your relationship with the concept of home? Drawing a quintessentially oceanic card for the most oceanic sign is a reminder to lean into the depths of those close connections.

This card also shows a sense of interconnectedness and complexity, with ripple effects beyond your own personal ecosystem. With this new moon, I encourage you to approach your closest relationships with that in mind. Where do you fit in the lives of your people? Where do they fit in your own life? In what ways do you both contribute to your lives as a whole?

๐Ÿœ‚ Leo. Black Cohosh.

Be intentional.

Where are you going through the motions? An activity or series of activities that are comfortable and even beautiful may not be activities that sustain or serve you in the end. This new moon, think about your long-term goals and whether or not what you’re doing now ties to them. Even if you’re doing things that you love, you may need to reassess whether now is the time for them.

Additionally, stop wearing yourself thin. Leonine energy is incredible (and enviable), but it’s not infinite. I know you get tired too. You don’t have to do all the things just because you can. Use this moon to find the strength to strengthen your boundaries and cut off what is not in your best interest.

๐Ÿœƒ Virgo. Licorice.

Never underestimate the power of inspiration. 

If you’ve been feeling uninspired lately, go to places you know can spark something inside you and spend time there. Or, do the activities that you know work for you. For some, this could look like visiting a museum or favorite park. For others, it’s reading a particular book/genre or listening to a podcast. Whatever has been a tried and true generator for helping you get moving, try it again this new moon.

Or, if you’ve been swept up in the energy of something and have found it energizing, see if you can use that to help you work on your goals. The activity you’ve been loving? Let it be a reward for doing a task on your to-do list. Weave in your new obsession/hyper-fixation to help you get through the drudgery. Link it to whatever you’re doing in whatever ways make sense to you.

Want a personalized reading for January? Book via my ko-fi shop!

๐Ÿœ Libra. Valerian.

Indulge in real rest.

As much as we love a nap, it’s no substitute for deep, restorative sleep. Your task this new moon is to make your bedroom and home life as conducive to rest as possible. Clear out old clutter, tidy up certain spaces, and invest in new bed sheets. Good sleep is critical for all the new things you will embark upon in the near future, whether it’s more schooling, work projects, entrepreneurial pursuits, new relationships, or all of the above.

The path to getting better sleep might also look like making peace with certain things you cannot change, especially regarding your family life. If you can broach a difficult conversation, do it with grace and compassion for yourself and the other person/people, too. Consider a neutral third party, like a couples and family therapist, to help, too, if possible. Address the issue now so that it can be put to bed.

๐Ÿœ„ Scorpio. Willow.

Feel everything.

Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions are coming up and let them spill out. Do not suppress them. Allow yourself to take up space as you do so. Do not diminish yourself and your needs. Be present in what’s happening around you because whether you like it or not, you are being pushed. Your roots are strong, though; it’s difficult to forget your convictions and values. (And you shouldn’t forget them either!)

And because of that, please remember you aren’t being pushed down by the current circumstances. Move with the wind, like the Willow, and use that movement to find freedom for your next steps. You’ll need to find some concessions in the minutiae, but doing so allows your to see the breadth of options that lay ahead. Whatever plans you were making, consider taking off whatever blinders you put on and look around at this new moon. You could see a new exit strategy you hadn’t thought of before.

๐Ÿœ‚ Sagittarius. Gingko.

Stand on the shoulders of giants.

Where has your history led you? Where do you want to be when the full moon in Capricorn looms? Where do you want to be when it’s the next *new moon* in Capricorn? What personal characteristic has been a consistent companion in all your endeavors? Is it optimism? Is it adaptability? Is it bravery? Is it curiosity? Maybe it’s none of those. Maybe it’s all of them. Whatever the case may be, hone it, honor it, and utilize it in whatever you wanna do next.

Use your personal history to inspire you in 2024. Use your family’s history, too– whether that’s family by blood or by choice. Whatever people are in your life now, you can learn from them. Just ask. Be curious. Be empathetic.

๐Ÿœƒ Capricorn. Holy Basil.

Enjoy the ride. 

Your cup overfloweth. It’s your season, lovely Capricorn. Everything you want to achieve in the months ahead is waiting for you; you just have to be willing to believe that. You have to be willing to trust in the process. Which is a very annoying thing to hear, I know. And it’s easier said than done. But holy basil is a beautiful omen to receive because it’s bright and effervescent. Allowing it into your life is so healing; as a plant ally and herb, it can calm the nerves and cool down the body.

Whatever stressors have been plaguing you, holy basil is here to help minimize their effects on you. This new moon invites you to prioritize your body, your nervous system, and your anxious states. Explore new ways to regulate your moods so you don’t look at every situation in worry and dread. Because if you’re operating from a frazzled state, you won’t be able to tend to other situations properly. To quote my very Capricorn mother, “Health is wealth.” Your body is the vehicle for everything you want to do; it’s what holds your brilliant mind and brave heart. Make sure to care for it. Book those routine medical appointments!

๐Ÿœ Aquarius. Wild Stream Orchid.

Dream big and bold.

The most vivid and vibrant visions happen in our dreams. Be open to the messages and ideas that may come to you while you sleep. Be open to what comes to you when you’re simply imagining things. Allow your imagination to run wild. Allow yourself to be drawn toward things that are simply alluring, even if there’s no rhyme or reason. Feel the feelings that bubble up and let them spill out.

If this new moon and new year have filled you with inspiration and new ideas, don’t be afraid of them. Even if they feel daunting, at least observe them. Write them down so that you may pursue them later in the year. You’ve never been one to get mired down with convention, so don’t start now. If something feels too freeing or too fun and you’re feeling scared of it… why?

๐Ÿœ„ Pisces. Yarrow.

Allow yourself to be healed and held.

There is strength in numbers. You don’t have to do anything on your own. Yarrow is the plant ally of the warrior, and it’s there to soothe the burns and staunch the blood. It helps heal so many different kinds of wounds. So, what has hurt you recently? What has weakened you? What do you need to feel stronger and more supported? Whatever it is you need, yarrow is here to remind you that there are many different ways to heal and protect what’s been wounded.

This new moon, I encourage you to stick with and seek out those who make you feel stronger. The people you know to be your safety net should you ever feel like you might fall. Be honest about who those people are and also what you can be for them.

I hope these cards give you some inspiration and excitement for the year ahead. Honestly, I’m still grappling with the fact that it’s already 2024 and by this time next year, I want to be in a place of pride and gratitude that I’ve never felt before. Which will take time and effort, but I’m willing to invest that into myself and all the goals and ideas I have bubbling in my brain.

And I want to help you get to that place too. So, what are hoping to do this new year?



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