In the Heart of the Sun

preparing for Venus Retrograde with the Lion’s Mane tarot spread

Somehow, it’s already the end of June… for most of you, probably July. But on the West Coast, I’m still holding onto the last minutes of this month, as I’m wont to do every month. My hesitation is partly keyed to regret and wishing I could have accomplished more in June, because once it’s over, we’re truly at the halfway point of the year.

And what have I done?

Of course, I’m also worried about whether I can handle July. Note: I say that less because of the actual astrology and more about my own current headspace. Although the astrology is concerning too. Saturn and Neptune are already retrograde as I write this (the latter having done so just earlier today), but as outer planets, their effects are slower and we have time to reckon with them. However, come mid-July, Mars, the planet of action, will square Uranus, the planet of innovation. Then, soon after, Venus, the planet of connection, intimacy, pleasure, and aesthetics will station retrograde. So I’m anticipating a rogue wave amidst supposedly calm waters.

But of course, there’s nothing to it but to prepare as best you can. Gather your resources, take proper inventory, and ration what you can. Steady yourself and muster up as much courage as possible.

And what better way to do that than to channel the sign in which we’ll be dealing with the aftermath?

Enter: the Lion’s Mane spread.

Lion’s Mane

See above.

Center: Animal Power Deck & Moon Hero Tarot. Outside: Dirt Gems Oracle

I came up with it a few years ago with a standard Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but have since retooled it using both tarot and oracle cards, in part because I just wanna play with these specific ones and get to know them better, but also because I feel like I want all hands on deck.

I feel like I need it.

It’s designed to be encouraging and emboldening. To offer guidance and direction when things feel murky. It’s meant to channel that leonine combination of confidence and a whole helluva lot of heart. In my experience, Leos have a particular kind of optimism that feels more personal and interpersonal than, say, that of a Sagittarius, which is generally more situated on the circumstance or the world at large than any individual.

But as a Sagittarius sun whose birth card is Key 8, Strength, both are relevant, and both feel like home (in varying degrees, of course).

A sense of home, of nostalgia, and of comfort is also at the core of this spread and why I’ve chosen to work with these specific decks. The Animal Power Deck not only offers an embodied sense of strength, but it was also a gift from a dear friend. The Moon Hero Tarot is a gorgeous tribute to, yes, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, which in all honesty is what made me interested in mythologies and astrology in the first place. As for the Dirt Gems Oracle, it’s there to ground us into the earth we all inhabit and rely on for shelter and sustenance. (If you’ve never known a plant ally, there’s no better time than the present.)

Card Positions & Meanings

The Lion’s Mane spread starts in the middle and radiates outward, counterclockwise (widdershins!).

Pride: What to Embody (center left)

Glory: How to Get There (center right)

Thole: What You Must Endure (bottom left)

Nuzzle: Where to Apply a Softer Touch (bottom right)

Maul: What No Longer Serves You (top right)

Den: How to Help Others (top left)

The cards pictures above were my personal pull and it’s very clear that the next month and change demand release and change.

It also asks to trust that others will be welcoming and generous… but that it may not be the people I expect. Very likely, it won’t be the people I wish it would be. They probably won’t be from my current environment or communities, but it’ll be worth it if I’m willing to stay open.

There’s also a common thread regarding dreams and becoming the magnifier for the dreams of others, which is clearly something I want (or at least, I hope that’s clear!). If I can hold a supportive space, I would very much like to do that.

On a practical note, it also seems like it’s a good time to get back into dream journaling. To prioritize play and being playful. To rest when needed because whatever is out of balance, I’ll definitely feel it during the retrograde.

If you’re interested in a more thorough breakdown, I intend to post that in the days ahead, although it will be a paid post. These days, reading for myself involves a lot of immediate processing. Lots of “yes, of course, that makes sense” and “oh, goddamnit, I know already.” However, sometimes the answers do need more methodical explorations. And… sometimes, certain things feel too personal and require a paywall.

Of course, if you want your own Lion’s Mane reading with these decks, it’s available on the “Readings” page on my ko-fi (scroll all the way down).

If you’re a paid subscriber to this newsletter, don’t forget to use your discount code!

Those who have their own tarot deck and feel inspired by this spread are welcome to use it. Please let me know how it flows for you!

Note: if you’re using it on your Instagram, TikTok, newsletter, blog, or website, all I ask is to credit me and please link back here! Tips are always appreciated. Thank you!



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