During the new moon, I drew cards for each sign. As a Gemini rising, this season generally makes me feel optimistic, and as we move out of Mercury Retrograde and into Saturn Retrograde, I hope to evoke that for you as well.
Read for either your rising [if you know it], sun sign, or both.
Aries: Four of Trees.
What is within the confines of your domain? This is a season that will test how you define your boundaries. What does “flow” mean to you, especially in terms of your resources, your time, and your energy?
Taurus: The Protector.
Fire and force. This is a time of creation and action. Where are you bringing heat into your life? What fuels you to protect? What’s worth protecting? Are you protecting something out of obligation or choice? Is there anyone taking advantage of this side of you?
Gemini: The Unknown.
It’s a solar return, a new stage, a new level in life. All you can really take with you on this is yourself. How are you showing up? What are you showing to the world? What are you willing to put forth right now?
Cancer: Seven of Trees.
A more contemplative season for you, a time for assessment and review. What situations, projects, and people have served you in the past few months that you’re willing to keep putting in the effort? As much as you enjoy those gifts, sometimes the work is too much to do it again, at least in the same way. What needs to change?
Leo: Ten of Embers.
Starfall everywhere. Your efforts have created new opportunities. It’s exciting but also overwhelming, so take precautions about what you can manage. You can’t feasibly tackle everything that falls into your lap. What needs tending? Is there anything you can leave to someone else? Do you trust anyone else with those gifts?
Virgo: Karma.
Everything is connected. Your actions from the past have consequences that you’re feeling right now. What you’ve overlooked or neglected is catching up and asking for a follow-up. What lessons can you learn from them? The seeds you’ve sown are bearing fruit now. What will you make of them?
Libra: Ace of Birds.
Time to overhaul the way you’re thinking about things– the systems in your life, your daily routines. Also, Gemini rules communication, so what messages are coming through for you? Do you have any messages for others that you wanna send over?
Scorpio: Six of Birds.
Gotta take flight, at least for a little while. When was the last time you took yourself on a journey? When was the last time you left or just expanded your comfort zone?
Sagittarius: Eight of Lotuses.
If you can’t be present in it, it’s not for you. Leave it be. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or precious those cups are. If you can’t drink from it, it’s not for you. Are you staying somewhere simply for the memory of it?
Capricorn: The Bridge.
This season will challenge you to reconcile your preference with the experiential with the elusive. It’s time to hone your connection with your intuition. Do you trust those inexplicable hunches? Are you afraid to?
Aquarius: Three of Lotuses.
Now is not the time to isolate. This can be a beautiful and recreational (as in re-create, create again) time for you and yours. Spend time with the people and in the environment that keeps you aligned. Who do you jive with? Where do you most find flow?
Pisces: The Pelican.
Gemini season gives you the chance to buckle down and assert yourself in ways you may not have before. It wants you to tend to your own dominion. Where do you need structure? Where do you do need help? What needs to be put to rest so you can focus on what matters right now?
(cross-posted to my ko-fi page)
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